Cultural Resource
Management & Education
connecting community & history
How Can We Help?
As a small, woman-owned business, we specialize in working with all types of cultural resources.
From archaeological projects to history curriculum and exhibit development, we strive to provide cutting edge materials in an ethical and sustainable fashion.
Archaeological Services
Archaeology is the study of human beings that came before us, using the clues they left behind. Archaeology can help us answer questions about our past to address problems we still have today. Whether it is small scale investigations or large-scale excavations, we can help you tell your story in an impactful way.
history education
Although archaeologists are discovering new things about our past every day, that new information rarely appears in our history education. Carolina Community Archaeology specialized in producing education programs, teaching content, and curriculum from a multi-vocal past.
content development
Our communities are full of history, but sometimes it is hard to see. If you need content to illustrate the past, whether it is physical or digital, we provide content creation services for all types of environments. We are excited to work with you to build a unique and beautiful illustration of your stories.
We are different.
We understand the power of history, and the difficulties that come with learning, sharing, and educating ourselves about the past. We believe that the key to a better future is learning from our past.
Carolina Community Archaeology is excited to help you share important stories and provide you with support throughout your project.
CCA in the community
As the Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park continues to develop their Masterplan development, archaeology is needed every step of the way. This winter and spring, join us for on-site excavation tours, interactive events, and daily updates as we excavate two Mitchelville Era homes. Follow @ccarchaeo on Instagram for updates on what we are finding every day!
Carolina Community Archaeology is partnering with Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park and SM&E to facilitate community involvement throughout the entire project, in the ground and out of it.
December 15- March 1
Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park
Open Site Tours every Thursday in the park from 1-4
April 3, 2025
OLLI Spring Semester Course
February-April 2025
Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park
Harriet Tubman: A Gullah Geechee Story Program